

i read that you give your members access to www.satintied.com, if they are members of boundbybhowani.com. I cannot login at satin tied with my credentials of boundbybhowani.com

Can you help me?

thx a lot


Re: www.satintied.com


We haven't sorted out the access for Bound by Bhowani members just yet. It should be happening very soon though. Watch this space. You'll see a link appear on the home page


Re: www.satintied.com

Thank you!!

Re: www.satintied.com

By using the link to satintied.com I get a failure message "link does not exist"
Can you help, please?

Re: www.satintied.com

Click on the link on the Member News page, or on the image of the Satin Tied homepage. Both links are working fine.


Re: www.satintied.com

when I try and log into satintied.com now I get "script called incorrectly" the members links worked before...is something wrong? any help?


Re: www.satintied.com

Don't try accessing Satin Tied from the links page. Access it by clicking the link on the Member News page. That way you won't be asked for a password.

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