Sets of Olivia...

Hi, Bhowani.

There's a set of Olivia in the preview shots from the 3rd June Preview shots file where Olivia is wearing a black blouse, leather skirt, and red scarf gag. Have you ever posted this set? If not, any hope of it turning up soon?


Re: Sets of Olivia...

No - you haven't missed that set. It will be coming up quite soon, though. I think you'll like it


Re: Sets of Olivia...

Hi, Bhowani.

Loved the set of Olivia in black, and the new previews are so good. I seem to remember a set with Olivia in a short red skirt, pinkish blouse, red boots, with a red cleave gag that gets a red OTM later... has that been posted yet?

Re: Sets of Olivia...

I know the one you mean = no it hasn't been psted. Just one of many Olivia sets yet to come

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